Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Facts Explaining the Benefits of Creating Photo to Oil Painting

You may have always wished to have oil painting from your photos. This article will let you know whether having your photos turned into a masterpiece is the ideal choice for you.
First of all, an oil painting is a very difficult thing in terms of usage than a computer printed digital print. Having digitally printed photos can create some allure, but doesn’t give that sense a hand made painting can give. Above all, caring for a digital print photo is much different than creating and framing a painting done by hand. One is easy and effortless and the other requires effort and attention.

Custom oil paintings or any kind of hand made painting for that matter requires greater attention and higher level of care than regular photos. Oil paintings have to be left o breathe and is continuously drying and settling on the canvas. A digital picture can be touched almost instantly after printing, whereas an oil painting takes days or even weeks to dry. And even after this there is a risk of getting smudged or smeared for some time.

It requires your effort to select the quality artist or service to commission your custom painting. You can have the peace of mind that their years of painting experience will recreate your image with perfect qualities and attributes that you can be proud of to put the picture on display. Many artists will go an extra mile to recreate photos to oil painting by painting face on historic figures, or even they may choose to paint portraits of your pets as historic dignitaries. After all, the choice is yours! This aspect is much more difficult than recreating it digitally and often requires expensive tools and software. And even after this the final result may be not up to the mark.

Friday, 6 October 2017

How About Getting a Dog Portrait Painted from Photograph

If you have a pet dog then painting a dog portrait from a photo is the preferred way to display the personality of your favorite pet. Their playful nature makes it nearly impossible to paint them without a photograph. A camera is the best means to capture every expression of your dog’s activity which can be turned to your canvas.  

Take Various Shots of Multiple Poses

Taking pictures of your dog in multiple poses lets you decide the best one according to its personality. Capture various postures including close-ups. Most dog breeds look better when their mouths open and panting. You should be careful in choosing the right posture for your dog so that the painting from photograph may turn up good.  

Turning a Photograph into Painting

 Once you have the right photograph, you are ready to get it painted. If you have knowledge of painting then you can do it yourself or you can get it done by experts. There are online companies that offer the service of turning photographs to painting at a very reasonable price. You can search online for a reliable company and get the job done by experts. 

When it is done, study the photo for technical details as well as expression. The eyes are the window to the soul. Check whether the eyes are recreated to give a more natural expression. Also check whether the fur is painted correctly. When painting is done by expert companies, you can rest assure that the portrait is made with utmost detailing and attention. 

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Which Service to Choose To Turn Your Picture Into Drawing - Software or Artist

You can turn a picture into drawing with the help of software application. There are myriad of utilities available on several websites; you can download and install them on your computer or laptop. Significantly, there are two free and paid genres of such applications on the internet; however, you can purchase compact disks of these programs from your nearby computer software and hardware market. There are some websites, where you can upload your photograph, which they will revolve into a drawing. Some websites may charge you for this service, while some may not.
Software generated photo to drawing

You can also turn a picture into a drawing through an artist. There are some websites and artists, who offer to alter your images into handmade drawing, painting, impression, and into many other forms of art. The key knot is to spot the best artist, who can give you this service; there are many who claim to turn your picture in drawing, but they use software, instead of their hands.

Artistic Photo to drawing
Choosing Between Software And Artist 
  • Software applications give you unreal results; you can easily mark that these paintings are made by computer. On the other hand, artist makes the impression of the picture on his canvas with his painting tools, and you get the best results.
  • Computer programs will turn your picture into painting immediately, after you have uploaded your photo, while an artist may take some time to deliver his service; as he will be performing his art, with his hand. 

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Turn your Picture to Painting to Preserve Memories for Lifetime

Converting an old family photograph into a painting shows your love towards art and enticing others to get attracted to you. The best advantage of turning your picture to painting 100% handmade artwork is you can decorate your home, employing that painting. Apart from enhancing look of your walls, it will also help you stay connected to the memories associated with those images. Furthermore, artistic pieces always considered as items to place on your walls beautify your home. If one of your family member’s or friend’s birthday is approaching, you can convert his/her photograph into painting or drawing, get it packed in a beautiful gift cover, and present to him/her. This would be a unique idea and the receiver will love it and won’t ever forget this gift, given by you.

Preserve Memories for Lifetime

Turn your picture to painting for home decoration

Apart from presenting as a gift, people from all over the world turn your picture to paint for home decoration. In fact, home decoration has been considered as another significant purpose, for which individuals go for this. Individuals, put the item in order to enhance the allure of walls. People are advised to hang or fix a painting in front of sitting places so that they gain easily visible. If this painting is altered from one your old family photographs, then it will exactly give diverse grace to your homes’ walls.

Benefits of altering Your Pictures into Painting

There are a number of advantages of altering pictures into painting, so people from all over the world are looking for the option. One of the most important use of the items is they can preserve memories for a lifetime.

Innovative Home Improvement: The decorative items are placed on the walls add extra grace to your home. In addition, they not only help your home or office appears differently, but also assists to improve home interior. Of late, people have been putting the items on offices as well.

Prolong the life of fading photographs: On the other hand, it helps make you present in the society as an art lover. Apart from your social recognition, the items help you protract the life of your photograph. With the passage of time, the piece of art has become a topic of gossip.

Finding an artist to turn your picture to painting 100% handmade artwork

A simple search through the web is vital for you to get in touch with a number of websites of artists who are expert in the profession. Searching an artist and getting his/her assistance has been considered as an effective and long lasting solution for rotting photographs. Particularly, there are abundant of websites that have artists, who convert your photographs into paintings exceptionally. They make the portraits on good quality paper. So, why are you wasting your precious time? Some known artists are also giving attractive discounts to add more customers so choose one now.